Thoughts of just another teenage-girl…

I’m just one of the various girls living their so-called “Teenage Dream”! Alert….its not a dream,its not candies and chill. It’s probably the worst phase in life anyone has to go through or maybe the BEST because we learn a lot. We slowly understand what the world is actually like and the facade of the people become a little transparent.

I love to read,write,bake and daydream! I know that sounds kinda cliche but honestly they are very helpful 😊 For a person like me its like a stress-buster. I don’t know how many people are out there who think like me 😬I haven’t met anyone as such yet….

Basically,Elders go about saying “Ooh! You’ve grown up!Have you decided what you want to study?Do you have any goals in life? Are your grades good? “. I find it highly annoying because that’s not what you should ask! What you should ask is “How are you doing? Is everything cool with life? Do you want to vent out? I trust your decision will be right for you”. Maybe their are some exceptions who are thoughtful and I’m glad they exist.

At times I wonder, before pollution kills me or any damn disease in the world kills me. It’ll be the nasty human beings with poison for heart and creepers for brains who will choke me to death! I ain’t kidding…

I’m grateful for you and to God that you’re alive, breathing and well. We don’t know what may happen to us. Life is uncertain so live it to the fullest! You don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations it’s okay if you fail.

«Failure is the stepping stone to Success!»

Spread love by being kind to others, listening to them and giving them your time. The good you do will come back to you in some form or other. Like they say, energy cannot be destroyed it just changes from one form to another! Radiate positive energy or negative – you never know how it may benefit someone 👍

Author: Iam1nightthinker

I love to eat,read ,write, bake and sleep!!These are my basics.Gotcha?

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